Doom Header

Introducing MooFace

MooFace was bourne about when, as a self employed IT professional I found myself thrown on the unemployment scrap heap after the UK government made it impossible for IT professionals to be self-employed back in 2019. Rather than sit around waiting for a tax-payer funded cheque to arrive every fortnight I decided to put my time and experience to good use (and not the evil plans I originally thought up regarding the government. Yet!). So I created a retro gaming server platform so people can enjoy playing Olde-Worlde games online, with friends, like we used to years ago. Noble hey? No not really. My servers (HP380P's) require lots of electrickery for themselves, for their air-conditioning, and the many many kettles of boiling water for tea and biscuit breaks (currently 1 every 30 minutes - I'm looking at upgrading to 1 every 15 minutes by Winter 2022). So, if you enjoy my servers then please help keep them online with a donation of a few quid (or whatever you can afford.) Maybe raid Granny's funeral fund - it's not as if she'll know what she gets buried in after she's gone is it! And let's face it, a hole in the backyard and a cardboard coffin are a lot more environmentally friendly than a Teak Coffin with polished brass handles, especially as hardwood harvesting is killing natural habitats and wildlife the world over. If you can't donate cash (non-sequential unmarked bills please) then Rich Tea biscuits make a very good substitute, as does a box of Yorkshire Tea.

Our Games

To help fund my servers (and moderate Tea drinking addiction) I'm starting off with hosting Minecraft Java Edition servers on Linux (no Leaky Windowstm here!). There's currently capacity for 32 servers dedicated to Minecraft with a maximum of 10 players on each. The cost per server is £5 of your finest sterling per month, and the default is completely box (bog) standard with absolutely no add-ons, the Seed is Random, Gameplay is Survival, Player Numbers are max 10, White-listed users only. Let me know any modifications you require when ordering - details below.

Next up (coming soon anyway) will be the Doom, Doom II, Unreal Tournament (now live!!!), Medal of Honour servers. These will be free to play all day everyday and there will be a special 'Tournament Tuesday' (like Tacho Tuesday but with more red sauce) where every second Tuesday of the month players can compete with each other for cash prizes. Nothing has been set in stone yet but I'm hoping for this to start before Christmas 2023 (Just had to use the 'C' word didn't I?!). More retro games will be added as and when I get my grubby little hands on them. I'm also looking at specific Linux games such as openArena, Quake 3 Arena, and many many more . . .

I own and run my own servers in my own mini-data-centre here in the East midlands, UK, so not sure what performance you can expect if you're not also in the UK. Plus, I block most of the outside world from my gaming world to ensure no Rogue 'Johnnie-Foreigner' internet Packets disrupt the nice Clean 'Johnnie English' Game Packets. Feel free to try my servers if you are based in North-West Europe, but I can't guarantee the same performance as you would experience if you were based locally.

The servers can be found by using the following URLs:

  • Minecraft Server 1
  • Minecraft Server 2
  • Minecraft Server 3
  • Unreal Tournament(1999)
  • (Use the ingame 'Multiplayer' Menu or enter the address and port number directly.)
  • . = DM.Std
  • . = CTF.Std
  • . = DOM.Std
  • . = ASS.Std
  • . = LMS.Std
  • . = TDM.Std
  • . = LMS.ChainsawMelee
  • . = DOM.FlakArena.FatBoy
  • . = CTF.FlakArena
  • {not yet live}
  • {not yet live}
  • {not yet live}

  • Each one requires a specific port number, those not yet live will be available very soon.

    Minecraft Image

    Server Stats

    Server stat tables are pulled from the database for each server and displayed here as a server push using PHP.


    As you can probably tell this website isn't anywhere near complete, nor is the ordering system, nor the automated deployment system for Minecraft. I am working on it, and it will be available soon, not sure when, but that is why I am offering my servers for less than half of what you will pay elsewhere - a little bit of work at the very start of your server creation then nothing else for you to do but play and enjoy. On that note if you would like to order a Minecraft Server then please email me at and follow the instructions in my reply, simple really.

    Remember these Minecraft servers are for a maximum of 10 players each, have regular backups of the world plus the entire game (for those expected misshaps!) and 24 hour access. I value your feedback, comments and queries so please get in touch by sending an email to